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One Day Golf Will Vanquish Cancer!


An annual Australian golf event. We play for 24 hours straight. 100% of funds to Cancer Research.

During One Day we spend 24 hours straight playing golf to honour those that we have all lost to this horrible disease and to feel a smidgen of the pain that those currently with Cancer and their families are feeling.

We play through the night with lit up courses via daymakers and glow sticks along with glow in the dark balls.

For a single 24 hour day, we strike together to fund research to cure cancer. One Day, research will win.

The purpose of One Day is raise funds for Love Your Sister for the absolute purpose of Cancer Research with no administration fees anywhere.

It will be fun, it will be memorable but it is not for the faint hearted.

One Day's inaugural event during October 2023 raised a whopping $104,379 following up in 2024 with $262,422  with every cent going directly to Cancer Research

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Open to all players, with or without a Handicap.

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One Day was founded with the first event being at Castle Hill Country club on 17th October 2023.

Love Your Sister strives for Precision Medicine for ALL cancer patients, whatever the cancer, regardless of location, age, income or status. We support the right treatment for every cancer patient, first time, every time.

Founded by Gold Logie-winning actor and Victorian Australian of the Year 2018, Samuel Johnson OAM, Love Your Sister is a million-strong village of everyday Aussies committed to vanquishing cancer with hard science and the best new technologies. Love Your Sister supports Precision Medicine for ALL cancer patients, whatever the cancer, regardless of location, income, or status. We strive for the right treatment for every cancer patient, first time, every time.